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At Families For Children we are excited about the work we do and look for individuals and organizations who share our passion. We need mentors, camp counselors and tutors. If you would like to change despair into hope and give a little of your time, please contact us.

If you are interested in signing up as a volunteer, please click here to learn more about requirements and opportunities or simply fill out a Volunteer Mentorship Application form.

If you are a company looking for a unique non-profit marketing opportunity, please contact us about the KITE project.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the online forms. Click here to download it for free.

"Families for Children exposed me to things I had only dreamed about. I had the chance to travel to Colorado and learn how to ski, do ropes courses and participate in rap sessions. The rap sessions really helped me work out a lot of my problems."

David - age 17

"I really appreciate the social workers at Families For Children. They are sensitive to my feelings and always make me feel good."

Diana - age 15

"I have been with the agency since I was 8 years old. I'm now 20 years old and cannot express how much the agency has done for me. Families For Children had supported me in so many ways. I have a full time job and am living on my own. I guarantee without the support of the special people at Families For Children, I would not feel so good about my future."

Ronshay - age 20

"Families For Children is a very special place. I have been with the agency since I was 12 years old. I enjoyed running long distances and eventually ran marathons. I ran in my first Los Angeles Marathon at age 17. I have run in the Las Vegas Marathon, New York Marathon, and the Boston Marathon. My best time was 2:52:01. Without Families For Children's support and commitment, I would not have had this once in a life time opportunity. I now attend Jr. College and look forward to continuing my running."

Ignacio - age 20

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